Sunday 15 September 2013

Testimony: Waiting For God To Work

Okay, so I knowww this one is going to hit a bit closer to home for you all. We're talking about the beautiful and talented Meagan Good and her now husband DeVon Franklin. And guess what they did?! They waited until their wedding night to consummate their love.

Meagan had been praying about her future husband earnestly after a failed relationship and God told her outright that DeVon would be her husband. Imagine her shock? She then asked God, "So what do I do?" And in true godly fashion He replied, "Just wait and work on you." Meagan waited a total of 9 months (yes the time it takes to conceive, develop, nurture and deliver new human life - amazing huh?) before DeVon even asked her out. All Meagan had to do in this meantime was clear all of her old baggage, eliminate past cycles, destructive behaviors and the like, and wait for God to work. As DeVon notes: "He gave her the revelation. All she had to do was position herself and get her life together...She didn't try to make it happen, she just let God do it."

"When you feel like you're in line with what God has created you to do,
 there's no other feeling like it."
 - Meagan

There is no one-size fits all here, but the trend in all of the God-written love stories I've ever seen is God saying wait, clear you space (that is, the men in your life), work on you and (you bet!) just wait. This season of waiting and pruning is so necessary and must not be rushed. Song of Songs 8:4: "Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you: Do not arouse or awaken love before it so desires." If God tells you outright someone is your future spouse don't stalk him, text him, arrange a date or even tell him...just wait for God to work.

"You need to let Him bring you somebody who lines up with who you really are." 
- DeVon

One may think the hard work was simply in waiting for God to bring the two together; however, now we've got these two extremely attractive people in a relationship...extremely attracted to each other...but desiring to honor God with their bodies by waiting (again!) until marriage to have sex. So it's not just about waiting for God to send our spouse. Once we've met and are dating our future spouse we're now in a position to honor God with our bodies and lives

DeVon and Meagan provide many a few tips on celibacy before marriage here: 

Please take time to hear from DeVon and Meagan themselves. There is sooooo much goodness there that I just couldn't touch on in this entry:

Blessings my ladies.

Wait, wait, inner beauty,


"A man of substance will find you as long as you keep your heart right before the Lord." 
- DeVon

1 comment:

  1. I am in love with their relationship and I am proud of the both of them because they give me hope. Wait, Wait, Wait...It's going to come! :D
