Wednesday, 27 November 2013

2013 Reading List

Since becoming a single and dedicating my life to Christ I've had a lotttt of time on my hands. I had so much to learn and was so eager to know and read. Since June I've read sooooo many excellent books that I felt I should share. These books aren't listed in any particular order but I have added a heart  to the books that ministered to my heart the most.
My bookshelf in Canada (imagine the one I left in the Bahamas haha)
  1. Kingdom Woman by Tony Evans & Crystal Evans Hurst 
  2. Produced by Faith by DeVon Franklin 
  3. Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer 
  4. A Wife After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George
  5. A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George
  6. Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus by John Gray*
  7. Successfully You by Leigh Valentine 
  8. Pink Lips & Empty Hearts by Heather Lindsey 
  9. Boy Meets Girl by Joshua Harris 
  10. The Battle Belongs to the Lord by Joyce Meyer 
  11. Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas (Loved this!) 
  12. A Woman's Journey to the Heart of God by Cynthia Heald (Timeless!) 
  13. Make Your Dreams Bigger then Your Memories by Terri Savelle Foy
  14. The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren 
  15. The Best Sex of My Life: Confessions of a Sexual Purity Revolution by Lindsay Marsh-Warren 
  16. What to Do Until Love Finds You by Michelle McKinney Hammond
*Secular, but cited by Christian books on marriage, love and relationships often.

Feel free to leave a comment if you want a more detailed review of a particular book. 

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