Wednesday 17 July 2013

Testimony: Waiting On God

On June 19th I officially became a member of the amazing sisterhood that is Pinky Promise,  an organization that encourages women to honor God with their lives and bodies. Stumbling upon Pinky Promise coincided with my decision to fully recommit my life to Christ and I feel so blessed to be a part of this movement. Pinky Promise was founded by Heather Lindsey, a beautiful wife, mother and pastor. To learn more about Heather check out the "About Me" section on her blog (which is amazing!).

Here is Pinky Promise in a nutshell:

 Pinky Promise is a promise to honor God with your body and your life. To refuse to give your body to anyone who hasn't paid the price for you called marriage. It’s a promise to stay pure before God in every single way. It’s a promise that says, "I will not test the boundaries in my relationship to see how far I can push it sexually–but instead–I want God to have my heart."
It’s a promise to God that you will honor your marriage covenant  It’s saying that I promise not to step outside of my marriage, cheat on my spouse and that I will work through every issue.
The sisterhood has blessed my life greatly in part because of all the testimonies being shared. It's a safe space where we relay our life experiences and obtain feedback and encouragement from other members. Words cannot express how much being a part of this group is changing my life.

A few weeks ago I came across this testimony and desperately wished it was shared everywhere - not just among married and celibate believers. Your daughters need to read this! Your sisters need to read this! Women everywhere need to read this! 

The overall message is to wait on God to supply your need for a spouse (boyfriend, fiance'...insert choice word). You don't have to spread you legs to get a man. You don't even have to kiss to keep a man! If you let God direct your paths he will send your Adam, your Job, your David, your Joseph (or whatever combination you so desire) to you.

If you're read my previous blog entries "Am I In the Wrong Fairy Tale?" and "A Woman's Journey to Contentment" you'll know one of my underlying messages is to "Wait in inner beauty." So wait my dear, just wait.

Be blessed,

Testimony by Deborah A. Olawale
Hello ladies! 
God has been pressing on my heart for the past few weeks now to share my testimony about how He brought me my future husband who is now my fiancé. He's been convicting me about sitting on the testimonies that He has birthed through me and not sharing it more..... I know and God has confirmed in my spirit that many women struggle with knowing how God is gonna show them who their husband is and how He will bring the person along. Many of us have ideas and perceptions of what we think we need to do to bring the person along. But I wanna tell you from experience that all you need to do is "seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33). As you run after God with all your heart, focusing on Him and nothing else, in His perfect timing when He sees that you are ready (not when you think you're ready), He will add a husband to you. But know that it will be for His glory, not just for your pleasure. So here is my testimony...     
I was only 19 years old when God began to tell me who my husband was. I knew that I would get married one day but I thought it would be later in life like at the age of 24 or 25. So when God began to tell me that this guy was my husband I thought it was the devil and/or my flesh. I fought against it hard but it didn’t go anywhere, God continued to confirm it over and over. Eventually I received it. God told me to patiently wait and that in His timing He would reveal it to the guy and have him come to me. At the time I was in a ministry that taught about the no boyfriend/girlfriend revelation. That God is not down with it and it’s not God’s order. God is able to give you a spouse without you test driving several different people. Simply keep your eyes on the Lord and He will reveal and bring your spouse to you in His timing. He is the one that chooses for us and He already knows who the person is therefore He does not need our fleshly assistance. As my pastor would say, "You are not boyfriend/girlfriend material you are husband/wife material. God does not play house, He build’s families." God confirmed to me Himself that He desires for relationships to be done differently, not like how the world does it. So I complied with His order and did not date. And sure enough when He saw fit, in His timing, He revealed to me who my God-ordained husband was. 
Within the time span of waiting there was much dying to my flesh, God did a lot of purging, pruning, and showing me wicked things in my heart; I learning what true worship was and how to live out a lifestyle of true worship. God stripped me of many things even in the natural so that I had no choice but to depend on Him and draw closer to Him. He took me through a very painful process of transformation (John 12:24). I learned that God was my husband and dealt with Him like my First Love. I learned how to pray, fast, intercede, make war, and stand strong through trials. It was a process that took great patience and great faith because there were times where I doubted the word and because I did not know when it would happen I had to learn to trust God like never before and not care how long it took. It was first and foremost about my relationship with God, He was using it to build me up in Him. It was more than just getting married, God was using this to build up my faith, strengthen my spirit man, and prepare me for where He was taking me in the Kingdom. God will use whatever trial or situation He desires to use to get you where He needs you to be, and for me this was one of the things He chose to use. IT WAS ALL FOR HIS GLORY!! NOT JUST TO GET A RING ON MY FINGER OR GET MY LAST NAME CHANGED BUT TO BRING GLORY TO HIMSELF THROUGH MY LIFE!!  
Fast forward about 2 ½ years, the very same brother in Christ that God revealed to me was my husband, called me one day and told me that God revealed to him that I was his wife. Not once throughout the time of waiting did I tell him or give him hints. NOT ONCE THOUGHOUT THAT TIME DID WE DATE AROUND OR DATE EACHOTHER. God allowed us to be friends during that time but I still had to wait on God to tell him. It was not easy, it was very hard. I cried, doubted God and asked God ‘why me?’ many times. There were times I would have rather not known but God chose to tell me ahead of time and through God’s strength I was able to wait until the word manifested. GOD IS FAITHFUL, HE KEEPS HIS WORD!!! IF HE SAID HE WOULD DO SOMETHING AND HAS CONFIRMED IT MANY TIMES, THEN KNOW THAT HE WILL DO IT AND CAN DO IT WITHOUT YOU GETTING IN HIS WAY!! We have been engaged now for almost 8 months and from what God has been revealing to us (and what He revealed to me in my time of waiting), godly marriages are for a greater purpose!! You can’t just wanna get married just to have sex and live a comfortable life!! If you can’t pray, stand in the gap, make war, worship, love God more than a spouse, die to your flesh, live holy, obey God, sacrifice, etc., then you’re not ready for marriage. Marriage is ministry. God is using the two of you to prepare one another for the return of Christ!! He wants to use your marriage as a ministry to others to cause them to come to Christ. It’s not just about you, it’s greater than you. IF YOU ARE NOT KINGDOM- MINDED WHILE YOU ARE SINGLE THEN YOU WON’T BE KINGDOM MINDED WHEN YOU GET MARRIED!! Everything that God does has purpose; it’s not about pleasing and tickling our flesh. Trust God’s timing for your life; don’t try to run ahead of Him. What you have planned for your life may not be what He has planned. I didn’t think I’d be engaged by the age of 22, but here I am. AND I DIDN’T HAVE TO DATE AROUND TO ‘SEE WHAT I LIKED’!!! GOD ALREADY KNEW WHO MY SPOUSE WAS, AND WHEN HE SAW THAT WE WERE READY HE BROUGHT US TOGETHER, WE DIDN'T BRING OURSELVES TOGETHER!! God had it all written down in His book before we were even born, but it all depended on our obedience and surrender to His will and plans for our lives. God knows what’s best for His children.  
......So all in all ladies, GOD DOES NOT NEED OUR HELP. We are princesses, a princess does not go out and find her prince, she allows her Father the King to choose a prince for her and bring him to her (and in HIS time and HIS way). All I did was chase after God like my life depended on it. I took my mind off of having a man and focused on God being my husband. I loved on God and allowed Him to work on my heart. AND I DIDN'T DO ALL THESE THINGS JUST SO I COULD GET A MAN, I did these things because I saw how desperately I needed God, I believed His Gospel, and I wanted His power, love, and presence to be real in my life. I loved God simply for Him!!! .....ALLOW GOD TO SCRIPT YOUR LOVE STORY. Your love story may not unfold like mine but know that God already has it all written out. You just have to walk in obedience to His word and His voice. I also want to add that I am a virgin, I've never dated, never kissed, never had a boyfriend, etc., and yet I'm about to get married. The world says you have to do these things in order to get a husband. But in God, YOU DON'T HAVE TO GIVE PARTS OF YOURSELF TO MEN IN ORDER FOR YOU TO GET MARRIED OR "SEE WHAT YOU LIKE!!" God knows what you like and more importantly He knows what you need. God does not want you to do that nor does He need you to do that!! He does not need your flesh, what He needs is your WHOLE HEART and your OBEDIENCE. TRUST HIM!!!!  
I pray that this sincerely blesses and encourages those who read it to wait on God no matter how long it takes or how difficult your situation is. God bless you all. And feel free to ask me questions. <3 :-))  
Here is a link to an article from Set Apart Girl Magazine titled, How To Find A Godly Guy in A Godly Way . I believe this will encourage you as well cause it encouraged me.

Seal your commitment. Join Pinky Promise today. 


  1. I agree that marriage is a ministry. It's not just about the physical symbols but more about how two people work together to help each other fulfill their purpose. The problem is it takes a long time of experiences and obstacles and sometimes a lot of pain for many young women to understand this; and most women actually never do. But that's why it's important for those who do to share what they've learned and that's why I'm loving this blog! Keep sharing Zem...then let God do the rest. :)

    1. Definitely a lot of pain - unnecessary pain. Thank you so much for your support. It truly means a lot. :)You knowwww writing is my love and God-given talent so I want to use it in the right way: to give Him glory.


  2. Has a guy ever given you mixed signals?

    One minute he’s crazy about you and the next minute you have no clue if he ever wants to see you again?

    And it’s especially hard when there’s something special between you and you have no idea what went wrong.

    I assure you it’s nothing that you did.

    In fact, he may even care about you a great deal and still not be able to stop himself from acting this way.

    But why does this happen?

    There’s one BIG reason why men do this...

    And I discovered this eye opening video that will shed some light on this bizarre behaviour.

    Insert subject line here and link it to: <=========> Your ex won’t be able to resist?

    It all comes down to a missing “secret ingredient” that not one in a thousand women knows about...

    And it’s the biggest factor that determines whether a man just “likes” you...

    ...or if he sees you as “The One.”

    You see, this “secret ingredient” is so important to a man that no matter how attracted to you he is, or how strong your chemistry is...

    If it’s missing, he’ll never be able to truly give his heart to you...

    And he will always have an unshakeable urge to seek out a woman who has this one “secret ingredient.”

    Here’s what I’m talking about: <=========> The difference between “like” and “love” (most women miss this)

    On the other hand, when you know this powerful “secret ingredient”... won’t believe how effortless, passionate and bulletproof your relationship can be.

    Trust me, this is going to blow you away.

    Discover it here: ==> Men fall in love with women who have this “secret ingredient”

    Thanks again.
