Saturday 17 January 2015

5 Things I Learned About Purpose

Purpose. This word is often thrown at us. Its definition is often pursued by us. But what exactly should we know about purpose? How do we find out our true purpose? 

I struggled with these questions for years as I was trying to figure out what God wanted for my life. I seemed to be good at many different things so I couldn't quite pin down what He wanted me to do. The answer isn't necessarily what you're good at now, but what you have always been good at. When I took a moment to reflect on my childhood and various positions held as an adult, I recognized a single thread weaved through each event: my love for writing. In fact, I can remember myself at 5 years old telling my teacher I want to be a writer. That was a desire placed on my heart since I was very young. Who placed it there? Who put that burning desire inside of me? You guessed it! God.

God makes things very plain for us. I think sometimes we mess up the picture then try to figure out where all of the elements belong. It's time to really get quiet before the Lord and truly allow Him to unveil the desires of our hearts. In those desires, engraved in our talents, and enriched by our experiences, is our purpose.

Although I am no expert and still have much to learn, I wanted to share with you the top 5 things I have learned about purpose since I finally began pursuing my own.

  1. Finding your purpose requires rest. This task requires stillness of mind for you cannot listen effectively if you are not quiet and attentive.
  2. Often your purpose is right in front of your face. Is there something you are good at? Do you have a natural gift that people keep asking you to use? Are you so good at something that you often forget it is even a talent? It could be as simple as being an excellent usher because you are an excellent server. God made you warm and kind for a reason. As you usher His children into His house He smiles down on you. Your purpose, is to usher them in. It may seem small. It may seem insignificant but many go about their days with a lightness of step because they were greeted by you.
  3. There can be a wrong time to pursue your purpose. My book has been written essentially since 2013, but I didn't publish it until late 2014. Why? Because it wasn't the right time. I have tried since 2011 to get my book out but each plan failed, because it was just the wrong time. I had the right purpose, but it was not time to walk in it. 
  4. Seasons have their own purpose, which can be (or seem) independent from your overall purpose. The biggest decision of 2013 was, "Should I stay in Canada? Or should I go back home, degree or not?" I made the decision to return to the Bahamas because the purpose for that season was to listen to God, not people's expectations. Now that I am at home, I am much happier. I am in the country I love and have returned to a climate that is far more suitable for my holistic well-being. Also, because I am working, I can support myself and fund my interests. These conditions have proven favorable to complete this project. Each season of your life can have a purpose that may be (or seem) totally unrelated to your main purpose. That does not make them any less significant. It just means that you should not focus so much on past seasons, and past purposes that you neglect your overall purpose. (Hopefully I am making sense here.)
  5. When it's the right time, it will be easy. I knew that I was fulfilling my purpose because everything suddenly became easy. After having cover artists drop the project midway in the past, I finally found someone dedicated. After wondering how I would market my book, avenues began to open up. I was asked to be interviewed for the local newspaper, my godmother offered her home as a venue for the book launch. I mean things have just been falling into place. Doors have been opening that I would have had to pry, and push and pull on in the past. But that's not the amazing part! What's amazing is that doors are opening that I never even knocked on--doors I never even thought to knock on. Don't tire your self out by trying to pursue something at the wrong time. Wait for the right time. Even if you forget about what you should be doing, as I did, God will find a way to remind you. Trust me.

I tweeted something the other day that truly sums up what I feel about what's going on in my life right now:

Continue to wait in inner beauty dear friends. Wait, not only for love, or on God, but for your season, and your purpose. 

Love always, 


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