Sunday 14 February 2016

Spotlight on "The Wait"

I have been waiting for this book since 2013! I won't go into details because my copy hasn't arrived yet, but I do want to encourage you to purchase a copy of this amazing literary work. I blogged about their story three years ago here

DeVon and Meagan's have done hundreds of interviews, but I wanted to share this particular one because you are afforded a tiny glimpse into who Meagan used to be. Angie Martinez recounts an experience she had when Meagan was kinda/sorta saved, yet kinda/sorta in the club too. On the particular night Angie eludes to, the pair had just left the club and Meagan decided to pull the car over to pray. In this simple recounting of Meagan before "the wait" we see a young woman who loved God and wanted to live for God, a young woman who partially submitted and partially obeyed, but who was going about it the wrong way. So many of us have been there--I know I have.

Partial obedience is total disobedience. 

The years I spent in anticipation waiting on the release of this book, I often wondered,  "When will they be done? When are they going to release this book?!" I realize now that God's timing is so perfect. I wanted to be in the wait back then. I wanted to honor God but I found myself dishonoring him in order to satisfy my flesh and fulfill the wishes of a man. Now, I am actually IN the waist deep in #TheWait. I've passed the stage of wrestling with my hormones and have settled into the rhythm of, metaphorically speaking, safeguarding my diamond. 

The hardest part of waiting is waiting with no end date in sight. Through this process, I have learned that the season of not knowing and still waiting cultivates strong faith and a deep trust in God. It doesn't matter how long I wait because I am honoring my Father who doesn't wish for me to suffer in the cycle of brokenness ever again. I want God to be able to speak of me with pride--as I want my earthly father to do as well.

Still, this post wasn't meant for me to dive into my own personal experiences as my story is still being written. And as you can see with DeVon and Meagan, it can take a very long time to write and release a story.

Love to you all,


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