Monday 14 November 2016

30 Days of Waiting: Day 14

Any time I find myself struggling in my waiting season, I play Janice Gaine's "Wait on You" repeatedly until the feeling passes. This song brings me so much strength and immediately shifts my focus. Hopefully, it will have the same effect on you.

Right now I still find myself content with my present circumstances. I feel I am exactly where I need to be at this present moment. Waiting has essentially become easier, not because I have received the "prize" or see an end in sight, but because I have altered my perspective. 

Perspective shifts can literally change lives, relationships, states of well being, etc. I encourage you to change an area of your lift simply by changing your mind on it. 

Are you desiring for your husband to change? Try to see him in a different light in the meantime and view your service unto him as if you are doing it unto the Lord. Waiting on that promotion at work? View this current season as a time you can network and learn. Get further educated in your field, weigh your options, analyse your strengths and weaknesses and prepare for your next move. 

Preparation is key. Don't miss this season of "getting ready" because you are so focused on what you need to be ready for. Don't spend so much time focusing on the destination that you fail to prepare for the trip. No wise person travels without considering what must be packed (or not packed), reviewing the destination, itinerary, time of travel, etc. Why? Because preparation is key. What if a visa or other travel document is required? What if it's going to be unusually cold and you need warmer clothing? What if you need to avoid potentially unsafe areas? I can't stress this enough: preparation is key.

Let's endeavor to make this trip as smooth as possible. Let's perform the tasks that need to be done. Let's plan. Let's be ready. But don't forget that there is work to be done while where you are. In planning, and crossing off your travel checklist, don't neglect your now. This is a fine balancing act that we must master, but I'm sure that we will.

I'm rooting for you, as I hope you are rooting for me.


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